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Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Chicken Feet

Chicken feet or chicken claw is a food made from the chicken legs. The food might make you disgusted, you would imagine the dirty environment of chicken, lots of germs, bacteria and disease, many people avoid chicken claw foods. However, the chicken claw food in some places in Indonesia made into a delicious meal and had an expensive price.

Among food from a chicken claw is a claw chicken noodle, chicken claw chips, chicken claw soup and a variety of other types of grain. Not only in Indonesia but also in some countries such as the Philippines, Korea, China, Vietnam, Africa and America also wore a chicken claw and processed into a delicious meal.

One of the usual reasons for cooking chicken claw into food is to provide huge nutrient for family. Chicken claw has little meat and has a soft bone that delicious and tasty. But, did you know that chicken claw health benefits are very much. Here are the facts about chicken claw health benefits.

Rich in Collagen
One of Chicken feet health benefits are thank to collagen within. In a study conducted by the Faculty of Veterinary Science Chung-Hsing University in Taiwan, it was revealed that the chicken claw contains collagen which is very high. Even levels of natural collagen in chicken claw is similar to collagen that is found in green leafy vegetables and fruits. Collagen is one of the specific substance that required to maintain skin elasticity.

Benefits collagen contained in chicken claw very much, among other things: Collagen is beneficial for maintaining healthy skin and form elastic skin because it supports turnover dead skin cells with new skin cells faster. Collagen beneficial to helps the body absorb calcium and proteins that make the body become more healthy. Collagen is beneficial to increase the production of red blood cells because it works by strengthening the structure of blood vessels. Collagen helps the body lose weight by increasing the body’s metabolism of fat. Collagen can make the bone structure to be stronger and prevent diseases of bone fragility.

Reduce the risk of brittle bones
Chicken Feet health benefits to keep the joints and lower the risk of brittle bones. Joint disease and brittle bones usually occur in the elderly. The cause is the body can not get the calcium and bone was not able to absorb calcium properly. So, by consumption of chicken claw early in life, it will give a different effect. Chicken claw section is only composed of skin, tendon and bone. The content of chicken claw rich in protein, calcium, cartilage and collagen can be easily absorbed by the body. Nutrition is very important to strengthen the bone structure and can prevent bone loss in elderly.

Healing Injuries
The chicken feet health benefits to heal wounds. On chicken claw food contained nutrients such as protein and calcium. Both of these nutrients are extremely important to help regenerate nerves, muscles and bones of human. The research that has been conducted by a researcher in the United States, reveal that such nutrients can help heal the injury. Even the condition of spinal cord injury is believed to be quickly cure by taking foods containing chicken claw.

Furthermore, The chicken claw can be made into a broth or soup which refreshing taste. Chicken claw section which contains connective tissue and cartilage were very tasty. Even all the nutrients such as protein, collagen, chondroitin and glucosamine also will dissolve when cooked into the broth. Efficacy of various nutrients is also very good to make a more healthy digestion. The effect of nutrition is also very important to make the intestine becomes softer, thus making your digestive tract become healthier. Other foods: Foods to increase number of platelets Anti inflammatory foods 10 Healthy snack for kids

Maintain Healthy Nails
Cooked chicken claw will pull out some crucial nutrients for the body. Broth or some other dishes from chicken claw could produce amino acids, collagen, glycine, hidroksipolin, and proline that can help maintain healthy nails. Cooked chicken claw usually will issue a particular liquid or gel that contains gelatin. These nutrients help the body to process calcium that absorbed by the nail.

Maintain Healthy Gums
Chicken claw also has significant benefits to the health of the gums. Gum is a powerful tissue that is used to support the teeth. Several types of gum disease often caused by poor dental health problems. However, it could also have caused issues in the body. Deficiency of vitamins and other nutrients will also create problems in the gums. Chicken claw is food that contains many nutrients. There connective tissue and cartilage that could turn into a gel because it contains collagen, amino acids, and some gelatin forming agent. That is why all of these substances would improve the health condition of the gums.

Improve Immune System
This is an enormous and critical of the chicken claw or chicken feet health benefits. Chicken claw is famous for all the necessary nutrients such as collagen or gelatin forming agent. Moreover, chicken claw also contains different kinds of minerals such as zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. All of these minerals are needed by the organs of the body to build healthy and cope with various kinds of diseases. With the consumption of chicken claw, it can also boost the immune system.

These are some chicken feet health benefits that need to know so that we can leverage in getting nutrients from food chicken. There are many more benefits of chicken legs or chicken claw, such as forming natural probiotics that are beneficial for healthy bowel, build immunity. Furthermore, it is also useful to prevent tissue damage and stabilize the body’s hormones. The balance of these hormones can overcome stress in life.

Source: THealth

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