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Get Rid of the Dependence on Sweets, Clean Body from Parasites and Normalize Your Weight

Do you often crave for sweets? Unfortunately, most people, not just children but also adults, often crave for sweets and couldn’t resist it. Ever wonder why?

There are two main reasons for this dependence. One of them are parasites in the body (the other reason is – stress). When a person eats a lot of sweets, he creates in his body the conditions for the accumulation of mucus. On this mucus start proliferation of fungi and bacteria. According to statistics, a third of the population suffers from parasites. Usually, the person is not even aware of their presence in their body.

Parasites that live in our body take away our energy. To make up for it, the body wants to eat something sweet, because that is glucose, which is contained in sweets, provides quick energy supplement to the body. At the same time with that, it is formed and the fatty layer, which also acts to protect the organism.

Generally, the more parasites the thicker the layer of fat. But, you can get rid of parasites, normalize your weight and disappears craving for sweets. And so, when the parasites stop taking your energy will disappear drowsiness, fatigue, headache, fatigue, normalize the metabolism and much more.

Treat yourself from parasites or implement prevention (even if you think you do not have parasites in the body), it is necessary twice a year, then, once in six months. This is one of the most effective method of cleansing the body:

Cleaning the body from parasites – Flaxseed and Clove

Flaxseed and clove are effective in almost all types of parasites. To prepare the mixture for cleaning, it is necessary to take 10 parts linseed and 1 part dried flowers of cloves (100 gr. Flaxseed and 10 gr. Clove). Altogether grind into powder in a coffee mill or purchase it.

Take each day of 2 flat tablespoons, for three days. The powder can be added to cooked food in one meal, or eat, and then drink a glass of warm water (preferably in the morning). After three days of taking this mixture, take a break for 3 days. Then repeat all over again. The mixture should be consumed in a month. Do not be confused by some of the reactions of the organism, such as itching, rash, herpes, discoloration stool, urine, or something else. If you notice this (not all), it is a sign that the cleansing is in progress.

This is a very effective tool. In consummation, the mixture remains on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and the result is that the parasites will be “forced” to leave your body. To improve results, to finally parasites leave their place of residence, it is recommended that you use this preparation, on an empty stomach.

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Healthy Viral 24

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