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Take This Before You Go to Bed and Remove Stomach Fat….

Our body has organs for cleaning among them are the colon, kidneys, lungs and liver but can be found elements that are preventing normal operation resulting in the accumulation of fat in the stomach and abdomen. This is one of the reasons why we tend to try everything we see just to lose weight. There are so many options now but not all of them happened to be very effective. Maybe you should try this one.

Most people do not have adequate food because unlike eat junk food which accumulates fat in our abdomen.

This drink combines parsley and cucumber has many diuretic and slimming, and so this drink is not only will eliminate abdominal fat also will help strengthen your immune system, boost your metabolism and cleanse your entire body of toxins that cause damage to your health.

  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 piece of ginger root
  • A cucumber
  • A bunch of parsley
  • Half lemon


  1. Lava well cucumber, parsley and ginger, as they will be eaten raw.
  2. Grate the parsley until you have at least a teaspoon and preserved for later use.
  3. Cut the cucumber into slices.
  4. Put all ingredients in blender and process until all ingredients are perfectly united. You must have a frothy but is very light.
  5. If you wish you can sweeten with honey or stevia.

How Should I Take This Drink?

Take this drink before bed, you feel more energetic and you will notice how your belly fat will fade considerably within a few weeks.

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: To Happy Life

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