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Health Benefits of Eating Miracle Berry

The miracle fruit or the miracle berry is a fruit native to West Africa, and there is a big reason why it’s named “miracle.”

This fruit has the ability to alter the flavor of some foods, especially sour foods. It has the ability to let you enjoy eating sour fruits by letting your taste buds taste them as sweet.

This effect is said to be caused by miraculin, which is a protein that the berry has. Miraculin can change the protein shape on the part of the tongue that can detect sweet flavors. This results to the sweet receptors responding to both bitter and acidic foods, so that you taste sweetness instead.

Health Benefits of Miracle Berry

Aside from changing how some foods taste, miracle berries are also nutritious. In fact, if you are on a diet, you can consume this fruit without feeling guilty. It is a great substitute for sugar instead of turning to artificial sweeteners. This fruit has been proven to be safe that it is even recommended for diabetics. It is also a good food for people who want to increase their appetite. This is why this berry is useful for people who are undergoing chemotherapy who don’t find food appealing.

Even though miracle berries can increase appetite, they can also aid in weight loss. This is because the miracle fruit does not contain calories. With its ability to alter your taste buds, you will find any food – especially those that you do not like to eat such as vegetables – to be sweeter and better tasting.

As mentioned, miracle berries are ideal for people who have diabetes. According to a study published in the Phytotherapy Research journal, the miracle fruit protected lab rats with high blood sugar levels against insulin resistance. Even though the fruit is sugary sweet, it will not contribute to problems with insulin and diabetes itself.


Miracle berries are considered safe even though you have a health problem where you must restrict your sugar intake. However, this does not mean that supplements consisting of the fruit are safe. Although there is no evidence these supplements are bad for your health, they are not recommended for long-term use. These berries, their seeds, and supplements can be purchased online. There are also nurseries where you can find miracle berry seeds. While this fruit is considered healthy, you should consult your physician first, especially if you have a health condition.

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Source: Steth News

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