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Man Puts a Shirt with Vinegar on a Sink and an Hour Later Shows Off What’s Below

Vinegar has many uses people are not aware of.

A powerful cleaning agent is one of them. This guy puts this particular vinegar use to work as he magically removes years of hard water buildup. He uses a T-shirt which he soaked in vinegar, and it only takes him an hour. He then scrubs with a sponge and removes the deposits with ease.

He had previously experimented with his showerhead by soaking it completely in vinegar to successfully remove the deposits. But how could he apply this to his kitchen sink? Naturally the faucet wasn’t going to come off, so he figured out if he took a T-shirt, soaked it in vinegar and just left it on there for a bit, he could have success.

After a successful trial in the bathroom, he decided to video the procedure for the kitchen sink.

While vinegar has many uses for cleaning, it is limited in certain areas. There was a study done in the Journal of Environmental Health which stated that the removal of microbial contamination was Vinegar’s strong point, but it’s weak point was removing soil, compared to other alternative cleaning agents.

Baking soda is actually a good soil remover, but it lacks Vinegar’s strong point, the microbial contamination removal. It seems the study found the commercial cleaners to be better all in all, yet they contained harsh chemicals such as bleach. This guy showed that natural alternatives to the chemically laden cleaning products can indeed be effective as is seen in the video. He mentions in the comments that he used {30e6b8360db511af0e1f77984c542ff30ea10c4b009d596ff6d5f40eac675d71}5 vinegar and he warned that anything higher than that may cause damage to metal.

Check out this video and give it a try. You could have years worth of deposits disappear in only an hour!

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Super Tasty Recipes

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