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Remove Stretch Marks and Cellulite Forever Easy with Only 3 Ingredients!

Stretch marks are a unsightly marks that appear frequently in some areas of the body, such as legs, buttocks and breasts. These marks may be the result of abrupt and sudden changes in weight, either loss or gain, can also be presented by the pregnancy because the skin is stretched and cracked. Fortunately there are some very effective home treatments to reduce or make them disappear altogether.

On one hand, the splines are marks on the skin surface as a scar by an increase or loss of fast, or during growth, in which the skin is stretched weight and can rupture the collagen fibers and elastin.

Cellulite, on the other hand, is an accumulation of adipose tissue in certain areas of the body forming dimples on the skin. The appearance of cellulite may be due to fluid retention, poor circulation, hormonal changes, poor diet or sedentary lifestyle among others.

Numerous expensive treatments on the market to treat both cellulite and stretch marks, but you can also try these unsightly conditions by all natural treatments.

Both for the treatment of cellulite and stretch marks it is important to make certain changes in lifestyle such as exercise, hydration and healthy eating, and the use of treatments to improve skin health.

Exfoliation is a good treatment for stretch marks and cellulite as dead skin cells are removed and circulation is stimulated which helps in rejuvenating the skin cells.

  • 100 / 150ml Argan oil.
  • 250 g of sea salt.
  • 250 g of sugar cane.

Mix the 3 ingredients into a paste and apply to the affected areas by performing a massage in a circular motion for 2 or 3 minutes.

Then rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin.

Sea salt contains iodine and micro-elements that contribute to the regeneration of the skin, sugar helps exfoliate the skin and palm oil contains vitamin E that helps against skin aging, it helps keep the skin soft and supple and it provides a moisturizing action.

Use this treatment regularly every day to feel its effects.

It should be noted that by using this treatment will get better results in the early stages of the grooves, when they have a reddish color, because the grooves have healed and has a whitish color, are more difficult to remove although You can improve your appearance.

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Super Healthy Team

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