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Carry This 3 Ingredient Spray in Your Purse to Immediately Relieve Blotchy, Red and Dry Skin

Summer is in full swing. Our minds are full of nostalgia for the endless, carefree summers of our childhood, our bodies have a healthy glow, but for many of us, our skin is screaming for the season to end. The consistent heat and dryness are a common cause of skin irritation.

Your face is the most susceptible area to blotchy, red and dry skin. To counteract the damaging effects the summer sun can have, you can create your own natural and affordable face mist.

Benefits of natural face mist

For those of you who aren’t aware; face mists are liquid based solutions that are applied to your face on a hot day in a fine spray. Many people use water to simply cool down their face, however, creating a nutrient filled solution will provide a host of additional benefits:

Tightens pores – tightening your pores is a crucial part of any skin regime. By tightening your pores, the likelihood of skin infections can be dramatically reduced, as there is less opportunity for bacteria to break through the skin’s protective layer. One of the best ingredients to add to any face mist to ensure this is cucumber – no more sitting around blindly with two slices over your eyes!

Clears acne – for people who are naturally prone to oily skin and acne, the summer can be a real confidence drainer, as outbreaks can become more frequent. There are green tea based face mists that can make a marked difference to your skin year round. users have provided evidence to show that drinking green tea has a powerfully positive effect on acne outbreaks. Applying it directly to your skin cuts out your digestive system as a middleman and can counteract the damaging effects of overexposure to the sun.

Reduces inflammation – if you’re already suffering from a skin ailment due to the hot, dry summer, there are ingredients that can be added to face mists to reduce inflammation and ease the existing issue. Chamomile, aloe vera, and rosewater all have proven anti-inflammatory properties. Adding these to a face mist recipe can accelerate the clear up of skin irritations.

Hydration – the primary reason for skin issues during the summer is the drying out of your skin because of the weather. Even a simple water spray will boost your skin’s health. However, by adding nutrient rich ingredients, your skin retains the hydrating effects of the mist for longer. Water alone will keep your skin moist, but it won’t fight the effects of pre-existing conditions.


Although there are ready made face mists available to buy in stores, the only way to avoid toxins and ensure you are spraying the right solution for you is to make your own. All you need is the listed ingredients and a simple spray bottle. It is a cheaper and healthier way of ensuring your skin is at its beautiful best.

Antioxidant green tea
An ideal face mist for sufferers of acne and oily skin.

  • 2 cups of boiling water
  • 2 green tea bags
  • 3 drops of vitamin E oil


  1. Place the tea bags in the boiling water for an hour
  2. Allow the water to cool.
  3. Pour into a spritz bottle and add vitamin E.
  4. Spray away!

Cooling cucumber
A great mist for tightening pores and fighting infections.

  1. 2 cucumbers
  2. Witch hazel


  1. Grate the cucumber into a bowl.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from the cucumber.
  3. Measure the amount of cucumber juice you collect and add exactly half of that amount of witch hazel.
  4. Pour into a spritz bottle.
  5. Spray away!

Romantic rosewater
Sweet smelling and perfect for fighting inflammation.

  1. ½ cup of rosewater
  2. 1 tablespoon of evening primrose oil


  1. Mix the rosewater and the primrose oil together.
  2. Pour into a spritz bottle.
  3. Spray away!

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Healthy Holistic Living

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