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Try This Method 5 Minutes a Day for Radiant Skin

The skin is the largest elimination organ, it is known to be responsible for 10 to 15{30e6b8360db511af0e1f77984c542ff30ea10c4b009d596ff6d5f40eac675d71} of total body elimination, and is sometimes referred to as the third kidney.

Dry skin brushing is a swift and powerful way to enhance the detoxification process. It’s easy, pleasant and yields tremendous benefits.

Not only does it greatly improve the appearance of your skin by eliminating dead cells and helping new skin to regenerate, it also stimulates blood circulation, the lymphatic system, and greatly enhances toxin elimination. 

If your skin cannot efficiently release toxins, you may experience rashes, acne, hives, itchiness, body odor, or even eczema and psoriasis. Dead skin cells, excreted wastes and external pollution (including dirt and skin care products) can build up and clog your pores. Clogged pores inhibit your skin from effectively releasing toxins. 

If toxins are unable to escape through the skin they will either be stored in fat cells, contributing to cellulite and other fatty deposits, or they will be re-circulated back into the blood stream, overworking the kidneys, liver and other detox organs. Thus a seemingly simple and easy therapy like dry skin brushing can have a huge overall impact on your whole body health. 

Brushing the skin gently stimulates the lymphatic system and is considered to be one of the best natural lymphatic cleansers available. Stimulating the lymphatic system will encourage blood circulation and cell regeneration. Both actions promote detoxification, weight loss and cellulite reduction, as well as improve body tone and skin radiance. 

Did You Know?
  • The skin is the largest most important eliminative organ in the body and is responsible for one quarter of the body’s detoxification each day.
  • The skin eliminates over one pound of waste acids each day in the average adult, most of it through the sweat glands.
  • The skin receives one third of all the blood circulated in the body.
  • The skin is the last to receive nutrients in the body, yet the first to show signs of imbalance or deficiency.

Dry Skin Brushing Benefits are Numerous & Include:

Helps to shed dead skin cells, which can help improve skin texture and cell renewal.

Increases circulation to skin, encouraging your body’s discharge of metabolic wastes, which greatly aids the lymphatic drainage of the entire body. When the body rids itself of toxins, it is able to run more efficiently in all areas.

Helps to tighten the skin by increasing the flow of blood which, in turn moves toxins and lessens the appearance of cellulite. Our bodies make a new top layer of skin every 24 hours – skin brushing removes the old top layer, allowing the clean new layer to come to the surface, resulting in softer, smoother skin.

Stimulates the lymph canals to drain toxic mucoid matter into the colon, thereby purifying the entire system. This enables the lymph to perform its house-cleaning duties by keeping the blood and other vital tissues detoxified. After several days of dry brushing, you may notice the gelatinous mucoid material in your stools.

Helps with muscle tone and more even distribution of fat deposits. Dry skin brushing helps muscle tone by stimulating the nerve endings which causes the individual muscle fibers to activate and move. It also helps mobilize fat and helps to even distribution of fat deposits. This is a great technique for invalids who can’t exercise. 

Stimulates the hormone and oil glands, thus helping all of the body systems perform at peak efficiency. The skin is your body’s largest organ. When improperly maintained, the elimination duties of the skin are forced upon the kidneys. Chemical analysis of sweat shows that it has almost the same constituents as urine.  If the skin becomes inactive, its pores choke with millions of dead cells, uric acid and other impurities which will remain in the body putting extra stress on the liver and kidneys. People with big hips and thighs usually have low-grade bladder infections. Another sign of this is that the body gives off a distinct sickening odor. When the bladder and kidney are really sick, the calves are often swollen as well and the feet stink. So, give your kidneys a break—keep your skin clean and rejuvenated. Bathe daily and do a dry brushing before the bath to help stimulate blood flow to the surface so that toxins can more easily escape. 

Rejuvenates the nervous system by stimulating nerve endings in the skin.

Helps your skin to absorb nutrients by eliminating clogged pores. Healthy, breathing skin contributes to overall body health.

Individuals who sit at a computer screen all day long will particularly take pleasure in the benefits of skin brushing. People who have inactive lifestyles or jobs usually experience stiff and sore necks and shoulders that reach even into their arms and down their spines and into their lower backs. Increased blood flow begins entering the areas brushed and you will experience an increase in electromagnetic energy that permits you to feel energized and invigorated.

Reduces cellulite. Cellulite is toxic. It is toxic materials that are accumulated in your body’s fat cells as they are unable to be eliminated. So, rather than liposuction surgery, how about utilizing the “dry skin brushing” techniques coupled with an alkaline diet program and a great exercising routine. It will break down the unwelcome toxic body deposits and send them scurrying out of your body through the elimination channels we discussed above. 

Strengthens the immune system. Dry skin brushing can reduce the length of infections and illness by moving the toxins more quickly through the system and stimulating the lymph to move waste matter out.  

Anti-aging through cell regeneration and exfoliation.

Stimulating both the sweat and sebaceous glands, thus contributing to the restoration of moist, supple skin.

Helps digestion. Dry skin brushing helps your skin to absorb nutrients by eliminating clogged pores. Healthy, breathing skin contributes to overall body health. When you brush, the pores of your skin open allowing your skin to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. Clogged pores are not just a cosmetic concern. Healthy, breathing skin contributes to overall body health. 

Nurtures your body. Maybe one of the most important benefits of this practice is purely the pleasure of nurturing your body. Learning to love your body is essential for weight loss and the healing of any bodily “dis-ease.” Spend this time, 5-15 minutes per day, giving your body the attention it craves and deserves. It works hard to support you. Giving it superior support will reward you many times over. 

How to Drybrush
  1. All you need is a natural bristle brush with a long handle or a loofah…and 5 minutes.
  2. Always brush gently, and especially over the sensitive areas. In time, and with practice, your skin will become more resilient and endure more vigorous brushing.
  3. Brush your dry body before you shower or bathe, preferably in the morning.
  4. Start at your feet and always brush toward your heart. Use brisk circular motions or long, even strokes.
  5. Brush all the way up your legs, then over your abdomen, buttocks, and back. If you have cellulite on your hips and thighs, concentrate their a little longer. For complete dissolving of cellulite, brush for 10 minutes daily for several months.
  6. Brush lightly on sensitive areas like breasts and more firmly on areas like soles of the feet.
  7. When you reach your arms, begin at your fingers and brush up your arms, toward your heart. Brush your shoulders and chest down, always toward your heart.
  8. Avoid brushing anywhere the skin is broken or where you have a rash, infection, cut or wound.
  9. Finish by taking a shower.
  10. Dry off vigorously and massage pure plant oils into your skin such as almond, sesame, avocado, coconut, olive or cocoa butter.
Brushing your whole body will take around 3 to 5 minutes. Always brush the skin when it’s dry, and always follow with a hot shower to wash off the dead cells.
You will soon experience a significantly better toxin elimination, rejuvenation, radiant skin and renewed energy, and your body and health will thank you for it.

Which Brush to Buy?

Be sure to purchase a natural brush, not synthetic. Natural can mean animal or plant. I like this natural plant fiber brush. It is recommended also because it is very inexpensive.

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

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