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Ways to Ease Your Bunions without Surgery

If you’re like a lot of people with bunions you’re probably looking for ways that are going to make you feel a whole lot better without you having to resort to surgery. After all, surgery is expensive, it’s drastic and it’s going to mean you’re laid up for quite a while where you really can’t do much of anything.

Unfortunately, there’s no real way to get rid of bunions without going through the process of surgery. Luckily, however, there are a couple great ways that you can help ease the pain and discomfort of those bunions and a home remedy for bunions could be just enough to let you continue to enjoy yourself.

Something that Works

There are all kinds of different methods out there that claim to relieve bunions or even cure bunions. Unfortunately, a lot of those methods really don’t work and as we already mentioned, you can’t get rid of bunions completely without having surgery. So what do you do? Well, the best thing that you can do is make sure that you’re using methods that do work to help you ease your problems and the two best methods you’re going to find are massage and choosing the right shoes, which are going to get you feeling better in no time at all.

What are Bunions?

Let’s do a quick little sum-up before we get started however, so you can understand what bunions really are and how they’re going to affect you. Basically, bunions are a malformation of the foot that happens over time. A lot of older people end up with bunions but they can affect younger people as well. Bunions occur when the joints at the base of the big toe (on one or both feet) start to push against each other. They then start to push out and create a lump on the side of the foot that’s actually made up of bone. That’s why they’re impossible to really get rid of without going under the knife.

Choose the Best Shoes for Bunions

If you have bunions it’s going to be important to choose the right type of shoes. It’s not just about which shoes will make your bunions feel better, but also about which shoes you can wear in general that aren’t going to irritate your bunions as much. You’ll be happy to know you can still wear just about anything that you want, just how long you want to wear them or the specific ones that you pick out are probably going to be different because you don’t want to cause your feet any more problems.

The first thing is to look for shoes that don’t have openings right around the bunions. If you really like heels try to be careful about them. If you wear shoes that are tight around the toe is can actually make bunions worse or even contribute to causing them. If you have heels or sandals that have straps right around the bunion area it can irritate them even more, causing them to be more painful even if it doesn’t actually make them worse.

Another problem shoe is a patent leather style shoe. This material is notoriously inflexible and that means they’re going to rub against any of the outer areas of your foot. This can be painful enough on the main part of your foot but when it comes to bunions it gets even more painful. Because it rubs right against anything that’s pressing hard against it you’re also going to have blisters, which could occur on top of bunions and make them even worse still. Any kind of material that’s going to rub is definitely going to be uncomfortable and something you want to avoid.

One of the best things that you can do is get a pair of shoes that have some extra space in the toe area. This is going to give your feet a bit of breathing room and it’s definitely going to help those bunions out. There won’t be as much rubbing and pushing your feet smaller, which is definitely going to cause pain, so make sure that you’re getting something that may give you more comfort and space to use as your primary shoes and then get something that might be a little bit cuter that you can wear for shorter periods of time.

Massage for Bunions

The best thing you can do for your bunions is take a few minutes each day to massage them. It’s actually a very simple process, but it’s going to make you feel a whole lot better and it’s definitely going to ensure that you are ready to take on the next day when you have to head out again. All you need are your own two hands and you’ll be ready to go, though you can use some lotion if you prefer to double your massage as a way to soften up your feet in general.

All you have to do is sit down and cross your leg over your knee so you can easily reach your foot. Hold the big toe down near where it meets your foot and near where the bunion is located. You’ll just want to gently pull at the toe, pulling it away from the rest of the foot. It will cause a little extra space to develop between the joints in the toe, which is going to relieve a little of your immediate pressure and pain.

Hold this position for a few seconds and then push down gently before letting your toe go back to the neutral position it was in when you started. Gently pull it to the left then back to the neutral spot and right before going back to the neutral spot. This is going to make you feel more flexible and it’s going to keep your bunions from getting too uncomfortable.

Wrapping it Up

The best thing that you can do is keep an eye on your entire body as much as possible. If something seems strange or if it just seems a little bit different from what you remember, it’s definitely a good idea to get it checked out. Whether it’s a new scar or a bump or just a different feeling then you remember, knowing what is going on will be an important aspect and it’s definitely going to help you start feeling better a whole lot faster. If you don’t know what you’re dealing with, how could you possibly fix or even help the problem, after all?

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Diet of Life

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