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Try These 6 Amazing Home Remedies to Strengthen Loose & Shaky Teeth in No Time!

Did you ever have a dream where you lost all your teeth?

Apparently, these dreams carry symbolic references to transition. But, if you’re awake and your tooth is still threatening to fall away, it surely means something closer home.

There are several reasons for this worrying turn of events. Interested to know what they are and how you can correct them? Keep reading.

Too Loose

Loose teeth are not only an affliction of the young but also the older generations. Now, as we don’t prefer walking around smiling like a toothless pirate, we’ve got to save the only teeth we have.

For many, loose tooth issues arise from gum problems and bone loss. It happens when an infection, periodontitis, destroys the bone and soft tissue supporting the teeth. Other reasons include –
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Gum disease with plaque
  • Dental injuries or fractures
  • Tooth decay from sugary foods

Shaky teeth initially make it difficult to eat. As time passes, the tissue surrounding it becomes swollen, red and painful. Such problems call for immediate action before you become toothless. The problem, though alarming, is still reversible. Try the following home remedies to set the wobbly tooth straight and strong.

How To Strengthen Loose Teeth at Home?

1. Begin With A Salty Mouthwash

Salt water is your very own homemade mouthwash for infected gums. Mix a little salt in warm water and gargle thoroughly with the solution. Continue this at least for a minute before you rinse.

Following the salt water gargle, you can go ahead and brush those pearly whites to draw out all that hidden bacteria effectively. Gradually, your gums will begin to strengthen and so will the wobbly tooth.

2. Brush Again, And Again

Maintain good oral hygiene if you want your wobbly tooth to stick with you for eternity. Brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. You can also brush after every meal.

Ahem! Sounds like a lot of brushing for one day, so at least rinse your mouth well after meals. Mouthwashes and flossing are also great options to keep bacteria away from your gums.

3. Pepper ‘n’ Turmeric For A Perfect Smile

Trust pepper and turmeric to strengthen your gums. The ingredients will set your loose teeth straight enough to give you a wide smile.

Crush equal quantities of turmeric root and black pepper. Mix the powder and massage it gently on your gums. After you have diligently massaged your gums for about two minutes, rinse the mixture. Ensure you don’t eat or drink for the next 30 minutes. Perform this regularly to find your gums stronger. While you’re at it, you can also bid adieu to the pain that usually accompanies a loose tooth.

4. Salt ’n Mustard Oil For More Smiles

Mustard oil and table salt can also strengthen those wriggly gums. Just add a couple of mustard drops to a little salt; you don’t need much of this miracle worker.

Massage gently over your gums for about 2 minutes before rinsing the mixture away. On regular application, the gums will find their lost bearings, tighten up and straiten that loosened tooth.

5. Amla Can Help Too

Biting into an amla is probably the last thing you want to do right now with a tooth hanging by its hinges. Fortunately, amla or Indian gooseberry is quite the whiz at supporting the connective tissue.

Take amla fruit extract, mix it in a cup of clean water and rinse orally as often as you like. It will help build gum strength. Just remember not to drink or eat anything for an hour following your rinsing routine. Drinking the amla extract is not such a bad idea either; it heals.

6. Out With The Toothache

For swollen gums and toothache from loosened teeth, try peppermint oil or oregano oil. These oils help reduce gum swelling, inflammation and pain. Clove oil is another option for a pain relieving gum massage. Though the oils don’t strengthen the wobbly tooth, they sure give you a little break.

For those of you who damaged your teeth with chocolates and sugars, this is the time to stay off the junk for a while. People with calcium deficiencies can pop in a few vitamin supplements.

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Style Craze

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