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5 Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies That are Written All Over Your Face

Vitamin deficiencies are often diagnosed with various blood tests, but they are often too expensive. However, there is another effective way to find out if you are deficient in some vitamin, and it is free!

Our face reveals a lot about our internal state of the body. Therefore, you should know to read the following symptoms and thus discover if you suffer from some vitamin deficiency.

These are the 5 most common symptoms of vitamin deficiency:

Pale Complexion

The lack of vitamin B12 often makes the face pale. In case your face gets paler every day, check the tongue as well, and if it is smooth, you are definitely deficient in this vitamin.

Other symptoms include fatigue and memory loss. In these cases, you should consume more organic poultry, grass-fed meats, and wild-caught fish.

Puffy Eyes

Bloated legs and puffy eyes are symptoms of a lack of iodine in the body. Other signs include weight gain, brittle nails, and dry skin.  In the case of an iodine deficiency, you should consume salt, as the main iodine source, saltwater fish, seaweed, and sea vegetables.

Painful or Bleeding Gum

Your gums might become tender, painful, and bleeding in the case of vitamin C deficiency. Since this vitamin is crucial for the overall health, its deficiency leads to numerous ailments and health issues, including pain in the muscles, and even scurvy.

You should consume foods high in this vitamin, such as berries, citrus fruits, berries, mango, cantaloupe, watermelon, kiwi, papaya, and red peppers.

Hair issues

If your hair seems lifeless, dry, brittle, and you have dandruff, your body might lack Vitamin B7 (biotin). This is often a result of the use of a lot of antibiotics which destroy the intestinal bacteria that synthesize biotin.

In these cases, you should consume foods rich in this vitamin, like egg yolks, mushrooms, and cauliflower.

Pale Lips

If your gums and lips are pale, your body is probably low in iron. Moreover, with the aim to increase the iron levels, the body might lead to a need for eating ice, clay, or dirt. Yet, you should consume red meat, dried beans, fish, and spinach.

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Source: Health and Love Page

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