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Goat’s Milk Reduces Inflammation, Prevents Cancer, and Improves Heart Health

Dairy products are a challenge for our bodies to digest. For some people, cow’s milk can be even more inflammatory than gluten.

Many people, unknowingly, experience many negative health effects from consuming pasteurized milk from cows and not being able to associate the health problems with this very popular drink.

Goat’s milk, on the other hand, is not only a much healthier choice, it is in fact very healing and lowers the incidence of allergies and digestive issues.


While a majority of the Western world drinks cow’s milk and have many inflammatory issues, goat’s milk is widely consumed in the rest of the world for its rich nutritional values.

One glass of goat’s milk contains:
  • Calories: 168
  • Saturated Fat: 6.5 grams / 33 percent DV*
  • Carbohydrates: 11 grams / 4 percent DV
  • Protein: 10.9 grams / 4 percent DV
  • Cholesterol: 27 milligrams / 9 percent DV
  • Sugars: 11 grams
  • Sodium: 12 milligrams / 5 percent DV


  • Vitamin A: 483 IU / 10 percent DV
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.3 milligrams / 20 percent DV
  • Vitamin C: 3.2 milligrams / 5 percent DV
  • Vitamin D: 29.3 IU / 7 percent DV


  • Calcium: 327 milligrams / 33 percent DV
  • Phosphorous: 271 milligrams / 27 percent DV
  • Magnesium: 34.2 milligrams / 9 percent DV
  • Potassium: 498 milligrams / 14 percent DV
  • Copper: 0.1 milligrams / 6 percent DV
  • Zinc: 0.7 milligrams / 5 percent DV

* DV=Recommended Daily Value (Source:


1. Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is at the root of most body pains and diseases. Research suggests that reducing inflammation is one of the biggest benefits of drinking goat’s milk. Not only does it not cause inflammation like cow’s milk does, it actually reduces inflammation that is already in your body, hence it begins a healing process.

People who are intolerant of cow’s milk can drink goat’s milk without any issues. This is because cow’s milk contains more than 20 different allergens, including A1 casein. This type of protein is highly inflammatory for some people and children, and contributes to digestive disorders such as IBS, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, leaky gut, allergies, eczema and autoimmune diseases.

On the other hand, goat’s milk contains A2 casein that does not cause any of these inflammatory effects, making it the closest match to that of a human mother’s breast milk.

2. Supports A Healthy Digestive And Immune System

A study found that goat’s milk contains powerful anti-inflammatory molecules called oligosaccharides that act as prebiotics in the gastrointestines. Possible benefits include:
  • preventing inflammation-causing bacteria from staying in the stomach and causing digestive disorders
  • naturally lowering “bad” cholesterol and increasing “good” cholesterol levels
  • lowering triglycerides
  • improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism
  • improving and strengthening immune system
  • promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria that are crucial for a healthy digestive and immune system

Goat’s milk is lower in lactose, or milk sugars, than cow’s milk, making it easier to digest for those suffering from lactose intolerance. Its short-chain fatty acids is also easily metabolized by the digestive system.

In a study on rats induced with colitis, scientists at the University of Granada found that goat’s milk fed to the rats reduced symptoms and immediately began restoring them to health. The scientists concluded that raw goat’s milk does not irritate the bowels and may hold promise as a healing agent in inflammatory bowel diseases.

3. Prevents Cancer

Fresh cow’s milk when left overnight in the fridge, will naturally separate due to a compound called agglutinin. The dairy industry uses a process called homogenization to prevent this separation, by forcing the fat globule cell walls of cow’s milk through tiny holes under high pressure.

This method of processing breaks the cell walls of the globules, thus releasing a superoxide (free radicals) known as xanthine oxidase. Free radicals as we know it, can cause a host of problems in the body, including DNA mutations that lead to cancer!

And that is only a small part of the cancer-causing elements in cow’s milk. Then there are also the dangers of artificial hormones, antibiotics, vaccinations and other toxins that all contribute to negative health effects from drinking cow’s milk.

On the other hand, goat’s milk has smaller fat globules and does not contain agglutinin. The process of homogenization is unnecessary, thus eliminating the dangers of free radicals in the body. Goats are not typically found in mass-milking operations like cows are, so they are rarely given jabs, thus their milk are generally far safer for consumption.

4. Bio-Availability And Higher Nutrient Absorption

Goat’s milk has a molecule and chemical composition that is very close to a human mother’s breast milk, making it very easy to be digested and assimilated in the human body.

Babies who are allergic to cow’s milk will be better nourished with goat’s milk. Cow’s milk may cause excess mucus and asthma in young children, but goat’s milk as an anti-inflammatory, can actually reverse this condition. Having said that, however, goat’s milk shouldn’t be the sole source of a baby’s food as it still lacks vitamin B12 and folate, which can be supplemented with avocados once the child is able to take solids.

Due to the better absorption, the rich nutrients (see nutritional values above) are more easily digested and used by the body. This is important as drinking goat’s milk will help to nourish nutritional deficiencies, thus treating many diseases caused by deficiencies.

Nutrient deficiencies cause many health conditions. Being able to supply your body with these nutrients can mean:
  • quality blood-building
  • strengthening bones and teeth health
  • improving eye health
  • improving skin, hair and nails health
  • preventing neuro-degenerative diseases
  • preventing muscles and joint pains
  • improving heart health

While cow’s milk can cause osteoporosis due to its imbalanced calcium-magnesium ratio, you are not faced with this issue when consuming goat’s milk. Goat’s milk has an even higher level of calcium, and its higher bio-availability means that your bones are able to absorb and use more iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium for better bone-building.

5. Alkaline-Forming

Goat’s milk is a superior source of the very important mineral, potassium. This extensive amount of potassium in goat’s milk when consumed, is alkaline-forming and very useful for maintaining a good alkaline pH level in a healthy body, preventing diseases. It also acts as an antacid for the occasional bout of acid refluxes and other related digestive issues

Cow’s milk lacks this potassium level and ends up causing the body to react in an acidic way.


If you’re ready to add goat’s milk to your diet, I highly recommend drinking raw goat’s milk. Goat’s milk is not as common as cow’s milk, so it can be substantially more expensive. Raw goat’s milk may be difficult to find.

The taste and smell may even not be pleasing to many, especially if you’re used to drinking cow’s milk. But, think of the immense health benefits it offers, even to reversing many health conditions! If you don’t like the smell, lightly warm up the milk to before boiling point that will still retain the nutrients, then let cool and drink. This will much reduce the “goaty” smell.

Try looking at your local farmer’s market and health food store for goat’s milk. If you cannot get raw, flash pasteurization will be the next best thing as it does not use high heat that destroys the enzymes and nutrients. Go for the full-cream! Skimmed and low-fat milk means more processing has been done to the milk.

A convenient way of consuming goat’s milk, if you cannot get fresh milk, is using goat’s milk powder. Buy only from reputable and responsible companies who don’t ill-treat their animals.

Fermented goat products such as goat’s milk kefir is another superior food that you can add to your diet to heal leaky gut boost immunity. It can also help to build bone density, protect against allergies and provide you all the health benefits of goat’s milk and probably even better! The fermentation process enhances the bio-availability of all the great benefits of goat’s milk.

Raw goat cheese is another excellent option. Spread it on rice crackers or your homemade pulp crackers to get all the superior health benefits!

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Dr. Axe

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