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The Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Spider Veins

Spider veins are the tiny veins under the skin surface which congregate and resemble blue, red or purple spider webs or tree branches. These veins usually appear on legs, ankles and sometimes on the face. This medical condition is also known as telangiectasias or angioectasias, and about 55{30e6b8360db511af0e1f77984c542ff30ea10c4b009d596ff6d5f40eac675d71} of women and 45{30e6b8360db511af0e1f77984c542ff30ea10c4b009d596ff6d5f40eac675d71} of men have dealt with in their life. However, before getting any medical help, you can try and treat them naturally and in most cases they will disappear.

Causes of Spider Veins

The causes that you might get or develop the already existing spider veins are the following:

  • Obesity
  • Prolonged standing
  • Family predisposition
  • Taking contraceptive pills
  • A history of blood clots or circulation problems
  • Hormonal imbalance 

Remedies for Naturally Healing Spider Veins

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
You can use ACV either topically or internally.

For topical use, you should get yourself a piece of cloth, soak it in organic ACV and afterwards wrap it around the problematic area. Just leave the cloth for around 20 minutes and repeat the treatment twice a day. The ACV will shrink the veins and will relieve any uncomfortable symptoms, such as: itching or burning sensation, which is caused by the spider veins.

Internally, 1 teaspoon of ACV should be consumed once a day on an empty stomach or the other recipe is to mix 1 teaspoon of ACV with 1 teaspoon of organic honey into warm water and drink this 3 times a day before meals. This ACV drink will reduce the inflammation within a month or two.

Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon Oil will strengthen the capillary walls of your blood vessels and at the same time tighten your skin. You can use it topically:
  1. Mix 2 or 3 drops of lemon oil with coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil to dilute it.
  2. Massage the problematic areas a few times a day.

Mustard Oil
Mustard Oil will boost your circulation and give your skin a glow. To apply the mustard oil topically, the same procedure as with the lemon essential oil should be performed.

Witch Hazel
The natural astringent and anti-inflammatory herb, witch hazel, will shrink the spider veins, all thanks to the tannins and volatile oils which are the basic active ingredients in this amazing herb.

For topical use, you should buy a distilled witch hazel extract and soak a cotton ball in it. Then, apply it on the spider veins a few times a day.

Horse Chestnut Seeds
You can either take 250 milligrams of the horse chestnut extract internally every day, or prepare a mixture of horse chestnut seeds and witch hazel and apply topically.

The recipe to prepare the mixture for external use is the following:

  1. Mix 10 parts of distilled witch hazel with 1 part of a tincture of horse chestnut.
  2. Apply the mixture of the affected area.

Ginger can be used as a spice and for preparing ginger tea, in order to improve your blood flow, lower your blood pressure and thin your blood. Ginger will help you a lot if you have spider veins, so it would be best to incorporate it in every single meal.

Ginkgo Biloba 
By consuming 40 milligrams, three times a day of the ginkgo biloba extract you will have strengthened veins walls and improved circulation.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent or Heal Spider Veins
  • The first and most important thing is that you maintain a healthy diet and get regular exercise which will improve your circulation and therefore prevent any cause of spider veins.
  • Avoid standing or sitting for a long period of time because the pressure that is caused by being in one position is unbearable for your legs.
  • You should also avoid wearing high heels, which is also one of the factors that additionally tire your legs.
  • If you are at risk and at your workplace standing for a longer period of time is required, buy yourself compression stockings. Consult a medical person in order to get a pair most fit for you.
  • Introduce spices such as: turmeric, curry, cayenne pepper etc. in your diet, which will improve your blood flow.
  • Consider some yoga poses, such as the pose: sarvangasana, in which you elevate your legs and therefore ease the pressure.

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Diet of Life

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