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Quit Smoking the Easy Way! This Easy Remedy To Stop Smoking Might Surprise You!

Smoking is very bad for the health. Giving up smoking will give you benefits to your health which will far outweigh any positives for remaining a smoker.

Cigarette smoke contains large number of carcinogens that are not only harmful to the smoker, but also to passive smokers who inhale the smoke, which mostly are children.


Quitting smoking is hard. Everyone who’s tried knows it. A recent article in Psychology Today estimates that most of those who have tried to quit have relapsed within a year. There are all sorts of patches and drugs to help, but many people don’t have success with them.

Richard Webster has devoted many years to helping people with behavioural problems, including people’s addiction to smoking.

According to, baking soda is suggested as a remedy to help stop smoking by Richard Webster and other experts in the field, because it can have an immediate effect to stop you taking that cigarette which you imagine you really need.


Simply put a touch of baking soda onto the tongue whenever you feel the urge to smoke.

Important: This technique is not recommended for people who are on specific low sodium diets, or who have high blood pressure.

“I read a newspaper article quoting a doctor who said to quit smoking, mix a tablespoon of baking soda in an 8-ounce glass of water and drink it, twice a day for the first week, then once a day for a second week. I had been smoking a carton a week then, or about 30 cigarettes a day. I drank two glasses on Sunday and Monday. It tasted like a flat Alka-Seltzer. On Sunday and Monday I smoked two cigarettes. On Tuesday I think I smoked one cigarette and then quit altogether. I continued to drink the baking soda concoction for the rest of that week. I don’t think I even needed it the second week. I have not had a cigarette in 20 years.” ­— Joanne Fanizza, Farmingdale, N.Y. 

Note: Baking soda should never be substituted for eating a healthy alkaline diet. Also, it is not advisable to keep taking baking soda indefinitely.

Use it for a couple of weeks, then stop for a couple of weeks before you start using the baking soda again, even if you have not managed to quit smoking yet. Too much baking soda taken on a regular basis is not good for your kidneys.

Source: Life Health and Food

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