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5 Key Things You Must Do After Eating High Cholesterol Food

We all love to eat. And whenever we are free, we munch on junk. This probably has become our favorite pastime. When we are young, we hardly care about which foods cause harm to our body and which are beneficial. But, as we grow older, we begin to monitor what we eat. This happens because with age, various issues begin plaguing our health. High cholesterol is one such health issue that usually arises due to the intake of oily and junk food.

Before we proceed to the things we should do after eating foods that are high in cholesterol, let us look at what exactly cholesterol is and how it affects our bodies.

Cholesterol is a fatty acid that is produced in the liver and is essential for many bodily functions. However, when unbalanced, it can turn out to be harmful to our body. Many people believe that cholesterol is bad for the health, but Ayurveda has a slightly different perspective.

Ayurveda considers cholesterol to be an important element that supports and lubricates the circulatory channels in our body. It is not bad for the body, but can have harmful effects only in the presence of ama. Ama is nothing but metabolic leftovers that accumulate in the fat tissues in the form of toxins.

Usually, ama is a sticky, foul-smelling, waste end product that is formed due to indigestion. But, if it is present for a very long time in the system and is not cleansed properly, it forms amavisha. When its quantity exceeds the permissible limit, it begins to spread and clog the body tissues and waste products. When amavisha clogs the fat tissues, it leads to problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other heart diseases.

Lowering your cholesterol levels is the most important thing that you must focus on, and you can do this by following a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. If, by chance, you consume food that increases your cholesterol levels, here are a few Ayurvedic guidelines you can follow to nullify its bad effects on the body.

Exercise for Some Time
After eating an oily or heavy meal, do not go for intense exercise. It is always better to go for a walk. This will help in burning the extra calories.

Drink Warm or Lukewarm Water
A glass or two of warm water helps in easy evacuation of oily food. This, in turn, keeps the liver, stomach, and intestines healthy and protects them from damage.

Do Not Go to Bed Immediately After a Meal
Always try to keep a gap of two to three hours between the time you eat and the time you go to bed. If you go to bed immediately after having your meal, the energy is not consumed and gets stored in the body in the form of fats.

Avoid Eating Anything Cold After Eating Oily Food
Eating cold stuff such as ice cream after eating oily food has adverse effects on the liver, stomach, and intestines. Hence, avoid eating cold stuff after heavy meals.

Source: Style Craze

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