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The Cheapest Natural Way to Get Rid of Armpit Smell with Lime

Sweating is a natural process that protects the body from overheating, such as during hot and humid weather or intensive physical work.  Excess thermal energy is evaporated through the sweat particles  which contributes to the cooling of the body.  The human body has a large number of sweat glands, but most of us are annoyed with armpit sweat. The armpits contain the most active sweat glands, thus they emit sweat frequently.  This sweat is enriched with fatty acids and proteins which leave their residue on clothes.

Sweating is an important function of our body. Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. When sweat starts to smell it becomes annoying and inconvenient, so we begin to actively use deodorants and antiperspirants. Well, getting rid of armpit sweat altogether is not what you should be worrying about. Sweat is good; it contains chemicals that fight diseases. According to a recent study, the chemicals found in sweat contain natural antibiotics that can kill dangerous germs. So, getting rid of one of the most important functions of the body, would not be wise. However, you can get rid of the smell that comes with sweaty armpits with proven methods from folk medicine.

Get Rid of Armpit Smell with Lime

Believe it or not, the results it gives are just fantastic. Just cut the lime in half (not very ripe), and then wipe each of the halves on each armpit. It is possible that after rubbing lime, the skin under the arms will brighten a little, but don’t worry,  the color of the skin will be restored soon after.

Lime’s ability to combat armpit sweat is due to its acidity.  The acid in the lime juice helps reduce sweat production and can work as a natural deodorant. Additionally,  limes have strong antibacterial properties (bacteria is what we smell).

Remember, armpits are supposed to perspire; they get rid of toxins in your body. However, you can get rid of the body odor; just use limes.

Source: LA Healthy Living

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