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Tips on Managing Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia, also called low blood sugar, refers to a condition when a person’s blood sugar levels go below normal levels. In adults, the normal fasting blood glucose target range for a person without diabetes is 70 to 100 mg/dl.


Hypoglycemia has many causes. As per Mayo Clinic, the causes (in people without diabetes) include, excessive insulin overproduction, which reduces blood sugar levels; hormone deficiencies due to pituitary or adrenal gland problems; alcohol consumption, which blocks the liver from releasing the stored glucose to the bloodstream; medical conditions like kidney disorders and anorexia nervosa; and medication intake, such as someone’s oral diabetes medication or quinine (anti-malarial)

Signs and Symptoms

Hypoglycemia presents a number of signs and symptoms. According to Web MD, the symptoms include sweating, nervousness, weakness, shakiness, extreme hunger, mild nausea, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, fast heartbeat, and anxiety. When a person’s blood sugar decreased beyond 40 mg/dl, the symptoms include inability to focus, confusion, irritability, slurred speech, unsteadiness when walking or standing, muscle twitching, and personality changes. For severe hypoglycemia, which is below 20 mg/dl, the symptoms include seizure, coma or loss of consciousness, stroke, and death.


While hyperglycemia is managed by oral diabetic medications, hypoglycemia can be managed with the following remedies.

Blood Sugar Check

A person may have to check his blood sugar level when he thinks that his sugar levels may be too low. This can be done with a glucometer. As per Everyday Health, If the blood sugar is less than 70 mg/dl, then the person is probably experiencing hypoglycemia.

Food Intake

A person who experiences hypoglycemia may eat food or beverages that will boost his sugar levels. According to Web MD, these include hard candy, gum drops, raisins, jellybeans, table sugar, glucose tablets, glucose gel, honey, fat-free milk, regular soda pop, and fruit juice.

Seed Intake

Seeds are not mentioned above as food options that can be taken in case of a hypoglycemic reaction According to Home Cure, a person may eat sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds. The former is a rich source of polyphenols like quinic acid, caffeic acid, and chlorgenic acid, which help eliminate destructive oxidants from the pancreas and liver. Then, pumkin seeds contain minerals like manganese, magnesium, and iron, which promote metabolism, neuromuscular coordination, and cellular oxygenation, along with the regulation of blood sugar levels.

Hypoglycemia may not be as severe as cancer, but it can also be life-threatening if not managed. Thus, people should be aware of its signs, for them to be able to provide immediate action for the condition.

Source: Wellness Bin

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