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How to Avoid Having Nightmares

Have you ever had a nightmare that made you so scared that you were afraid to fall asleep ever again? Had a dream, that you were lost in the wilderness or some monster was chasing you down and eat you? Most of us tend to forget our dreams when we wake up, but some of us are able to remember the vividness of nightmares. Or at least experience the lingering fear or discomfort caused by it.

Our mind can be unpredictable and disturbing at times. Nightmare can feel too real and can awaken our deepest fears. Nightmares can affect children and adults. Nightmares and dreams have no specific scientific backing as to why we get them and why they are the way they are. Though, there are studies that show tips and techniques that can lessen the impacts and frequency of nightmares. Read on to find out which ones can help you cope with your nightmares.

Movies and Media

Scary movies were often created to scare us and keep us awake at night. People that are prone to nightmares can often experience it after watching something that induced fear in them. Even a short part of a movie or a news broadcast can lead to nightmares. This is often anecdotal in your dreams and hard to interpret. Scary movies, social media and news broadcast can increase your anxiety and stress levels before you sleep. A study was done on a number of college students and 90 percent of them have noted that they have had a nightmare about a movie, TV or news they saw. Some even date back watching it in their childhood and getting the nightmare years later.  You can help avoid getting nightmare by watching something or listening to something that is relaxing.

Stress or Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can trigger nightmares. It can come from everyday mundane things to family problems. Things that can cause a lot of stress in your mind can affect your sleep, combined with poor sleeping habits can cause nightmares. Anxiety is one of the biggest things that can affect your dreams. It is also one of the most recognizable feeling when you wake up from a nightmare. Studies have shown that people before undergoing a big event such as a game, an important exam or even a wedding are more prone to getting nightmares. It is said that analyzing this anxiety and talking it out can help you avoid nightmares.

Eating Too Much Before Bed

Light snacking can help with sleep, but too much can cause indigestion that can affect your dreams and metabolism. It has been proven that junk food and spicy meals before bed time increases the chance of nightmares.

Personality Traits

Experts have proven that adults that have personality traits such as emotional estrangement, alienation and distrustfulness are more prone to chronic nightmare. People that are emotionally guarded and have a creative mindset are more susceptible to nightmares. This is not something you can easily unlearn or change, but with a bit of adjustment and therapy if needed – you can reduce chronic nightmare. Studies have also shown that people with a negative mindset and depression have worst nightmares.

Where Your Sleep

Research has shown that your comfort level when you sleep can affect your sleep quality and dream content. Sleeping in a bed that is uncomfortable can cause restlessness and, more awakening leading to more remembered dreams. People who sleep in environments that tend to be too cold or too hot experiencing difficulty in their sleeping patterns. A German studies proved that people that sleep in rooms that smelled better, are less prone to nightmares than does who sleep in unhygienic or stinky environments.

Understanding Nightmares

Understanding your nightmare is an important thing to understand, especially in children. This helps them grow out of their fears and reduce chances of recurring nightmares. As adults, analyzing your dreams can help you understand the cause of your fears and traumas. Even hidden issues in your life can be assessed through your nightmares. Take a step back and try to talk to someone about your nightmares.

Get Help If You Need To

People that have experienced some sort of trauma will need to get professional help to be able to sleep soundly. PTSD, recent trauma, sleep disorders will need professional advice to fix. Other factors that can also cause nightmares that will require professional help is fatigue, insomnia, migraines, chronic pain and addiction.

What is a nightmare? It is a defined as a dream that causes anxiety, distress, fear, feeling of loss and terror. Nightmares can cause dreamers to actually wake up and experience the lingering feelings while they are awake. Most people remember their nightmares when they are awoken by it. If you have constant nightmare and are affecting your sleep and health, go to your health professional. They can help set you up with treatments and therapy that can help with your nightmares.

Source: Wellness Bin

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