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What to Do When You Get a Nose Bleed

Epistaxis or most commonly known as nose bleeds are common health problem that can happen to anyone and can occur unexpectedly. Nose bleeds often occur due to problems in the inner lining of the nose. It can either be dry or hurt, this will then result in injury in the blood vessel leading to a bleeding. Most nosebleeds occur in the front part of our nasal septum, this area is inside the tissue separating the nostrils. People that have sinusitis, bleeding disorders, hypertension and nasal allergies are more prone to getting nose bleeds. You can learn how to treat nose bleed if you understand the cause. Below are some tips to help you manage to treat nosebleeds.

Position Yourself or the Person Affected
If the cause of the nosebleed is not serious such as an injury, you are able to perform simple first aid at home that can help stop or control the nose bleed. To start with finding a comfortable place to sit since standing for long periods during a nosebleed can get tiring. Sit down and tilt your head forward not backward. You do not want to stop the nose bleed by tilting your head backward since the blood can travel through the throat that can cause choking. 

You can pinch the bottom part of your nose to reduce the flow of blood if it doesn’t stop to flow within a few seconds. Let the blood drain through your nostrils as much as you can and use a towel to collect the blood. Never lie down when you get a nose bleed since it increase the risk of asphyxiation due to blood.

If the bleeding doesn’t stop within a few minutes compress the nose using your finger and thumb. Pinch the lower area of the nose where the hard part ends and the fleshy part starts. Pinch it enough so the bleeding stops, but not too hard that it may cause a bruise. This is where the blood vessels are damaged. Pinching this area is the best option to stop the blood from flowing. Continue pinching for ten minutes and release. If the bleeding continues, reapply pressure on the area for another ten minutes. Make sure that you tell the person that has a nose bleed to continue to breathe through the mouth and remain calm.

Nasal Spray
Oxymetazoline nasal sprays can help with nose bleeds if you do not have high blood pressure. This is a medication that can help the flow of the blood vessels in your nasal area. You can apply this by using a gauze or cotton ball. Add about one or two drops of the spray on the cotton ball and insert into the nostrils. Pinch the nostrils for about 10 minutes and wait if it continues to bleed. Do not remove the cotton ball for about an hour in case the bleeding recurs. Avoid using this drug frequently since it can cause nasal congestion and addiction. This medication is only advisable if the bleeding doesn’t stop after compression.

Cool Down
It is important for you to leave an area that is hot or humid once you get a nose bleed. Lowering the temperature of the body can help reduce the blood flow. This will cause you to bleed less. You can do this by going to a well-ventilated and cool room or by putting an ice cube in your mouth. This can help lower your body temperature sooner than applying cold compact on the nose or other external parts of the body. The ice cube can also help you retain the temperature of your body a lot longer. This is a really helpful tip for people that are prone to nose bleed due to heat. If you do not have an ice cube, you can substitute it with anything that is cold such as ice water or a Popsicle.

Nose bleeds can occur for a number of reasons. It can occur due to personal actions that injure the blood vessels of the nose such as nose picking, excessive blowing of the nose and constant rubbing or tugging of the nose. Reduce the chances of nose bled by keeping your nails short, avoid picking your nose, blow your nose gently and keep the inner lining of the nose moist by applying nasal gel twice a day. You can also opt for humidifiers if you are sensitive to heat.

When you or someone you know suddenly gets a nosebleed, the first things you have to do is to stay calm. People that tend to panic when they get nosebleeds pass out or become too freaked out that it worsens the situation. Avoid areas where there is a lot of smoke and heat when your nose starts to bleed. Breathe through your mouth and allow your pulse rate to go down. The lower it is, the less blood will come out. If the bleeding doesn’t stop or you feel too faint or dizzy, go to the nearest clinic to get checked, especially if you are someone who had bleeding disorders. If you get frequent or regular nosebleed, go to your doctor immediately.

Source: Wellness Bin

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