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Know the Reason Why You are Getting Dizzy

Dizziness usually comes abruptly. It happens unknowingly regardless of the situation, of the place, or of the condition you are in, even if how comfortable it may be. 

Donnica Moore, M.D., president of Sapphire Women’s Health Group claimed that dizziness might look like normal but it isn’t. It’s our body’s way of telling us that something is wrong that we need to fix or something else. 

We often resort to self-care but Moore warned us that we must take this  seriously for it signals something that could be worse. 

There are typically  8 things that causes us dizziness. 

1. Stroke or Mini-stroke: When you feel dizzy all of a sudden in combination with weakness on one side of your body, loss of movement, severe headache or loss of speech, call a doctor immediately.

2. Anemia: Having low levels of iron in the body are always associated with dizziness along with low energy and feelings of fatigue. Iron supplement will be prescribed by your doctor as soon as he determines. 

3. Dehydration or Overheating: Being in the heat and forgetting to eat or drink for a long time could make you feel dizzy. In this case, have some water or better, orange juice, for it will also provide little sugar to lift your blood’s sugar level. It would be better to inform someone of what you feel and rest. 

4. Hypoglycemia: Aside from feeling sweaty, clammy, and extremely uncomfortable, low blood sugar could also make you feel dizzy. If your diabetic, insulin could also add up to your dizziness. Quick sugar from orange juice, or jam-filld whole-wheat toast could help you restore your sugar level. 

5. BPPV: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: It happens  where you get up out of bed and the room suddenly starts spinning. This is positional dizziness if you’ve slept with your head in a particular position. This is usually age-related. Try positioning techniques or anti-nausea medication. If the problem is persistent, call a doctor. 

6. Low Blood Pressure: If your blood pressure drops (due to dehydration, heart problems, endocrine problems, or a severe infection of some type), you may experience dizziness. Your doctor may tell you to eat more salt or drink more water. Medications could also be prescribed to better your blood pressure. 

7. Medications: Dizziness is a probable side effect of some prescripted or over-the-counter drugs. In this case, switch medications or adjust dosage.  Consult your doctor for recommendations.

8. Meniere’s Disease: People in their 40s and 50s are the ones most likely to develop this disturbance of the inner ear which includes dizziness or vertigo, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), hearing loss, or a feeling of pressure or pain in the ear, nausea and vomiting. Experts speculate that it comes from an abnormal amount of fluid in the inner ear. This is not curable but its symptoms are manageable. Seek a doctor for this one. 

Source: Huffpost

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