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Remove Those Ugly Dark Patches on the Neck, Underarms and Inner Thighs in 15 Minutes!!!

 The dark skin spots or patches are a common issue that affects lot of people and even though it’s not a medical problem to say it’s still very unattractive and everyone who has it, tries their best to fix this condition.

They usually appear under the arms, on the neck and on the inner thighs and can be a result of several factors.

Excessive sun exposure, ineffective cleaning of the neck area or a genetics issue are the most common causes of this condition. Other known causes are polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, and sudden weight loss or weight gain.

The dark skin patches can be removed with some cosmetic treatments but those treatments usually involve using chemicals and can be rather costly.

For those who do not like to expose their skin to unnecessary chemical treatments or they just can’t afford it, we have the perfect natural remedy which guarantees incredible results.

Needed Ingredients
  • A tablespoon of Olive Oil
  • A tablespoon of Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda)
  • A tablespoon of Salt
  • Make a smooth cream by mixing all of the ingredients in some plastic bowl. Then, you need to apply the cream on the skin area with dark patches, and leave it to stay for about 20 minutes.
  • After that, wash it with plenty of cold water.

One more option to remove dark, almost black skin stains is to make a mixture of milk, white clay, and lemon.

Add the lemon and the milk in a bowl with white clay, and mix everything well. Apply the mixture on the skin area and leave it to stay for about 15 minutes. Then, rinse the skin with cold water.


  1. Use sunscreen with the appropriate UV protection when you’re going out in the sun. 
  2. Consume foods that are rich in vitamin E and drink plenty of water.
  3. Use extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, and preferably skim milk for the preparation of this remedy
  4. You can also add a bit of coconut oil in the mixture
  5. Do this procedure 3 times a week, until the dark patches disappear

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