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3 Kidney Cleansing Juice Recipes

Nowadays,we consume a lot of fast food and artificial drinks full of sugar and chemicals which harm our body and at the same time make it do some extra work in order to process them. Also other external factors such as air and water pollution influence us. So the most reasonable thing to do is to detox those organs which are most affected.

Even though many a times the function of the kidneys has been underestimated, narrowing it down to filtering liquids in our bodies, they work way harder than you thought. Yes, indeed kidneys are responsible for so many of the  processes in our body, such as: producing hormones, cleaning the blood, handling toxins from air, food and water, keeping your complexion clear and adjusting your metabolism in order to obtain the ideal body weight..

Therefore, we have to take care of them, and give them a rest once in a while, by doing a detox.

These symptoms will tell you whether you have a kidney problem or imbalance:
  • You’ve already had kidney stones in the past.
  • You are gaining unexplained body weight and feel bloated all the time
  • You feel physical pain in the lower back area
  • You have frequent UTI problems and infections
  • You feel tired and fatigued all the time
  • You have skin problems, such as: acne, eczema or rash
  • You have hormonal imbalance and mood swings

If you have such symptoms, start your kidney detox now and repeat the cleanse every time the symptoms reappear; or if you would like to prevent any kidney misbalance it is recommended to do the detox once a year.

Here are the 3 juice recipes for kidney detox:

1. Clear Kidney Watermelon Flush

  • 1 peeled lime
  • 2 cups of watermelon

Directions: Blend the watermelon and lime and there you’ve got a perfect drink full of Vitamin C, potassium and mineral salt which functions as a diuretic and helps you flush out toxins and even small kidney stones.

2. Power of Two Recipes


  • 1 large cucumber
  • 2 carrots

To prepare the juice just blend the ingredients together.

The 90{30e6b8360db511af0e1f77984c542ff30ea10c4b009d596ff6d5f40eac675d71} water content in cucumbers together with the beta-carotene of carrots will nourish your body, provide you with the needed nutrients and flush out the excess of uric acid, which is known to cause kidney stones.

3. Super Radish Kidney Detox

  • 1 cup of purple cabbage
  • 1 rib celery
  • 1 cup of radish


Wash and mix the ingredients together in a juicer.

The radishes in this final recipe have many anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, which will help your body fight infection and flush toxins. The celery functions as a great diuretic, while the cabbage will provide you with Vitamin C.

It is advised to drink the kidney detox drink first thing in the morning, because only then the kidneys will benefit most from these natural ingredients.

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Diet of Life

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