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Feeling Dizzy After Eating? It Could Be a Health Problem!

Dizziness is a common thing happens to someone and usually this is disappear by itself. But how if this happens after you eat. Some people experience dizziness after eating. It could be a health problem that you can not ignore.

Dizziness after eating can be a sign that you experience less blood. If you are anemic, it means that you are experiencing a decrease in blood pressure on the heart and arteries. It is relates to the dizziness that you feel after eating. Here are some of the causes that you need to know.

Dizzy After Eating Due to Low Blood Pressure

After eating, our gut needs a lot of blood to start the process of digestion. This forces the heart to pump blood faster and stronger to divert blood to the stomach and intestines. At the same time, other blood vessels become wrinkled and keep up the pressure to remain normal.

While people who suffer from heart disease, it is due to a weak heart muscle which is unable to pump blood at a certain speed. In other cases could occur because of narrowed blood vessels so that blood flow is not smooth. This happens because of unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking and diabetes disease. Its dangerous, because can lead to the intestine, and if this happens then there is a drop in blood pressure after eating. This is will cause dizziness, unconsciousness, or you may pass out.

Blood pressure that is ideal for a person is 120/80mm hg. But this pressure was not fixed for someone, but up and down. There are various factors that cause the blood pressure to be damaged such as smoking, stress, certain medications, alcohol and obesity. The lowest pressure in a person is at night and this pressure will increase when a person waking up.

Two factors for measure blood pressure

Systolic pressure: This is a blood pressure generated when the heart is pumping blood throughout the body. It is first part of the blood pressure reading.

Diastolic pressure: This is the blood pressure that occurs when your heart and arteries are between two beats. It is the second part of blood pressure reading.

Remember! If the systolic blood pressure decreased lower than 90mm hg then at that time diastolic blood pressure will be decreased below 60 mm hg. At this time you have low blood pressure.

Consequently, at this time you feel dizziness, and even fainting. This situation will harm our bodies because the oxygen to brain also be less. So, what should you do when you have a dizzy after eating or experiencing low blood pressure?

Here are some important points you do to prevent dizziness after eating:
  • Avoid passing meals and eat breakfast on time. Do not ignore eat at every meal, especially breakfast. In addition, stay away from eating large meals at one sitting but eat smaller portions but more frequent.
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks along with your meals. However, drinking water, or other healthy beverages such as orange juice, fresh fruit juices, coconut water, and keep the body to keep hydrated. 
  • Do not engage in strenuous activity after eating. Among the strenuous activity is run, exercise or strenuous work in the garden.
  • Consulting your problem with the doctor, as they may need a diagnosis and appropriate treatment to avoid complications.

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: THealth

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